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We are celebrating (2020) 15 years of the "Center for Childhood Studies: Research & Extension" (NEI:PE/UERJ), coordinated by Profª Drª Vera Maria Ramos de Vasconcellos. The group is associated with the Research Line "Childhood, Youth and Education" of the Postgraduate Program in Education, State University of Rio de Janeiro (ProPEd/UERJ).

The NEI:PE/UERJ is composed of undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers committed to early childhood education, especially babies and young children.

Its main object of study is the public policies for national and municipal Early Childhood Education, in ludic contexts for learning, socialization and development of babies, young children and adults (families and professionals) who experience them. It is thus characterized as a space-environment-time encouraging and opened to dialogues related to children's right to education. The NEI:PE is an affirmative expression of a public, secular and free University, in defense of an inclusive and plural Education.

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Bettina [6, rainbow] • Clarice [3, blots and suns] • Felipe [5, little monsters] • Helena [5, flowers and kids]

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